Each time I go to China, I go deeper - few hunder kilometer deeper at a time. I stay longer too - few days longer at a time. As if the 20 odd years of my grandparent's life is not enough - I went back again and again, as if the extend the "log-in" time or their presence in mainland China, their beloved nother land. Except I went in, each time, as an alien - and so it will remain.
Talking of which I have sent email questionnaire to 3 IVS organzations from China (Hong Kong included, but not Taiwan - well, I am not up to these kinda debate anyway). Most of us (me included!) might have heard about or came in touch with VYA-Taiwan and Voltra-Hong Kong - both organizations, in my opinion, are considered well managed and successful. For instance I have seens (well, videos CDs! Get one from Klaus!) how wonderfully VYA-Taiwan mobilised the local youth and mass media, transformed a junk yard/old house into a piece of art with the help of volunteers, at the same time motivates local residents. I am also amazed with how well Hong Kong's volunteer understand the development of Voltra, highly motivated as young as they (rather, he/she) are.
But my interest also lies in two other Chinese organzations. That is where we, really, start counting the part of the 1.3 billions population. Or part of China. Both Hainan and Yunan province are located in the extreme southern part of China, symbolically represents an entry point to IVS organzations in China. For me, it is even more meaningful - it was my grandparent's decision (or forced to, under circumstances) leave to Hainan province in those troubled years that lead to the creation me: the third-generation here in Malaysia. My long lost cousin-bro now study Vietnamese langugage in Yunan province - "It's good for me, since it is not too far from Haikou/my family," he said.
So in fact each time when I go to China, my connection with China grew deeper - few stories and beers at a time. I may not be the part of the 1.3 billions, but will be forever part of the world. China wouldn't care less if I am part of them - their one-child policy actually delayed the population growth to 1.3 billions for 4 years.
But each one of us in IVS counts - as how each outgoing email requesting us to accept a volunteer, or incoming email of sending one. Needless to say, your reply to my questionnaire counts too - and for this, I say thank you in advance!